
Showing posts from October, 2018

Today’s Happenings

Today was one of those days where you look back at who you were when you first woke up and feel bad for that person. Although I slept in much later than I’d plan, and typically spend a few hours getting over that when it happens, I was pretty optimistic. I had planned to spend the day with my mom, getting some help watching my 5 month-old, Quinn, and shopping. It turned out that I ended up going about my day on my own, crossing quite a few less things off my todo list than I’d planned and soothing a grumpy little teether. But I did get to have breakfast with my mom and spend a little time with her. Once we got home, Q refused to go down for a nap after 45 minutes of rocking and nursing. I really would like to try sleep training, maybe using a gentle version of the Ferber Method, but the more research I read, the less I think I can really do that. Is it just me, or does it seem like a really huge mistake to make if it really does impact your child’s self-esteem later in life? But th...

Fasting from the Chaos

Today I'm starting a fast.  As a child, I watched my mom fast occasionally, but never asked her why. To me, fasting was something that was optional or only for the super-spiritual.  I was raised in the church and reading scripture, so I was well aware of the concept of fasting. But abstaining from food, or anything else of interest, was never something I considered doing.  I had my first experience with fasting six years ago. Our church called a twenty-one day fast and we were very involved, so I felt a little obligated. We were instructed to focus our prayers on one or two specific ways in which we wanted to see God move. That year, we were planning to move to Thailand to teach. Our school couldn't pay us, so we had to raise donations. We knew this was a door that God had opened for us, but raising the money was difficult. So we decided to focus our prayers on provision, specifically the provision for our stint overseas.  Those twenty-one days were challengin...

Life Goals

I suck at so many things. Honestly, I've tried them all and that's how I know.  Often, this is the first thought I have in the morning. And while I know self-confidence is a struggle for most of us, it doesn't keep me from self-loathing and wishing I was a better human. Some mornings I can't shake it and everything I mess up throughout the day becomes ammunition against myself.  That's been especially true lately.  But today, while I was listening to a random song on one of my Spotify daily mixes, I heard the words There's a war that's raging over me and I paused what I was doing because I was sure I'd heard that somewhere before. Then I realized it was all throughout scripture. War is waged between Good and Evil and the devil  prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour (1 Pet 5:8) and we should put on a special type of figurative armor in order to  fight the good fight of faith (Eph 6:11-17; 1 Tim 6:12) .  And...