Today’s Happenings
Today was one of those days where you look back at who you were when you first woke up and feel bad for that person. Although I slept in much later than I’d plan, and typically spend a few hours getting over that when it happens, I was pretty optimistic. I had planned to spend the day with my mom, getting some help watching my 5 month-old, Quinn, and shopping. It turned out that I ended up going about my day on my own, crossing quite a few less things off my todo list than I’d planned and soothing a grumpy little teether. But I did get to have breakfast with my mom and spend a little time with her. Once we got home, Q refused to go down for a nap after 45 minutes of rocking and nursing. I really would like to try sleep training, maybe using a gentle version of the Ferber Method, but the more research I read, the less I think I can really do that. Is it just me, or does it seem like a really huge mistake to make if it really does impact your child’s self-esteem later in life? But th...